Thursday, 7 July 2011

Okayama to Kyoto and I repaired my first puncture! sort of...

note: internet connection is slow here so i will uploading pictures 696 - 929 (contains mostly pictures of Osaka and kyoto) when I next iam next at a hotel not a hostel. Also the pictures I have uploaded have not been organised into a set yet, sorry.

all pictures on my flickr account:

Okayama to Himeji -  Annoying journey to Himieji got lost several times as the route I was taking kept changing into an expressway (which bicycles can not go on) so I ended up arriving in Himeji very late which prevented me from visting inside the castle so I only go to very the outside which unfortunatly was under restoration for the next 5 years, maybe longer but it still was a very beautiful castle.

Himeji to Kobe - I had intended to go all the way to Osaka but my wheel had developed a puncture and I had got lost in the middle of Kobe so I decided to stay here. Was not much to see in the middle of Kobe but I had tasted some delicous food for a small stand although I can not remember what any of it was called just that their was an octopus sign outside the stall which might be related?

Kobe to Osaka - Fixed my first puncture! well it lasted until the end of the day before I found out my tyre was going flat again but after I removed my old patch and replaced it with a new patch it was fine. While I was Osaka I visited the Osaka Castle (reconstruction so I did not go inside the castle) which was very impressive from the outside although it was missing quite a few buildings other than main keep which was a shame.On the way out I met Takashi Saita who was from Hokkaido and gave my useful information about island aswell as teaching oragami! Thank you Takashi!. During the night I also felt my first earthquake which was a magnitude of 5.3 which was quite pleasant! I do not know why people in England complain about magintudes of 2 and 3.

Osaka to Kyoto -  On my way to Kyoto crossed paths with another tourer who was an elderly japanese woman who seemed to be heading to Nagoya or going at least in that direction. When i arrived in Kyoto it was bright and sunny but the next day when I would start visiting temples it begin reaining heavily which limited the amount of places I could visit during the day due to my maps keep getting destroyed, which was very irrating. Only staying the 1 day since Kyoto seems to hate an cyclists as it refuses to let us park our bicycles anywhere in the city also it is meant to rain for a couple more days and my camera does not work well in the rain so I have to decided to get a new camera that is waterproof and is of better quailty.

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